Meanwhile, Troy is hard at work getting his old partner Pickle back into fighting shape. Together, they aim to tackle the growing threat of the pythons in their territory. Not to be left out, Bruce and Kaylyn return to a monster’s den, where they’ll face even greater challenges in their quest to rid the swamp of these menacing creatures.
沼泽人 蟒蛇入侵 第五季官方售价:39元/张,特价票19.9元一张,公众号【gg_dyp】订票最低8.5折,你也去公众号查询自己所在地的票价吧,每个地方都不一样,平均优惠5~30元/张。
推荐影院:万达、金逸、CGV、大地、橙天嘉禾、博纳、UME、万象、卢米埃、喜满客、幸福蓝海、太平洋等连锁影院,观影环境好,优惠力度比较大~ 出票速度杠杠的!(小影院出票会比较慢哦)
购票方法:点击公众号菜单中的买电影票,然后任选其中一个渠道,定位之后,选择沼泽人 蟒蛇入侵 第五季,点击特惠购票,付款之后等待出票,然后拿着这个取票码到电影院取票。