分类:科幻片恐怖地区:英国年份:2023导演:Pierre B主演:May KellyLila LassoKarl Hughes状态:正片
Abi is going cold turkey, her family have taken her to a cabin in the woods so she is away from the city. However, little do they know, The Three Blind Mice is more than just a fairy tale.. And they may be next up on the menu.
三只盲鼠 Three Blind Mice官方售价:39元/张,特价票19.9元一张,公众号【gg_dyp】订票最低8.5折,你也去公众号查询自己所在地的票价吧,每个地方都不一样,平均优惠5~30元/张。
推荐影院:万达、金逸、CGV、大地、橙天嘉禾、博纳、UME、万象、卢米埃、喜满客、幸福蓝海、太平洋等连锁影院,观影环境好,优惠力度比较大~ 出票速度杠杠的!(小影院出票会比较慢哦)
购票方法:点击公众号菜单中的买电影票,然后任选其中一个渠道,定位之后,选择三只盲鼠 Three Blind Mice,点击特惠购票,付款之后等待出票,然后拿着这个取票码到电影院取票。